Two Dogs & Two Humans in a Rooftop Tent

“Both of you sleep up in the tent, right?”


“So, where do the dogs sleep?”

This is pretty much a word for word conversation we have very regularly with people we meet on the road, and also those that are curious with our truck, and our setup. The answer to that age old question is this:

They sleep up in the tent with the both of us.

We love our two girls, Kyia (the Shiba Inu), and Stella (the golden-weiner), and we can’t see ourselves without their presence. They both sleep in our bed at home, so why should they sleep elsewhere when we’re on the road?


We’re lucky with our two dogs. They keep the tent pretty clean.

Kyia is a princess and hates water, and hates getting dirty. If it’s raining, she'll avoid ‘using the lavatory’ till after the sky water ceases. Her absolute hate for being wet is so strong that she’ll hold it for hours. Though, if the rain doesn’t stop and she really, really, really needs to go, she will unhappily grunt, then venture out to release the pressure as quick as possible. Her absolute hate for being wet is so strong that she’ll be bowel mid-movement and run as fast as she can into the house with the hope that the speed which she's running at will eject her poop out of her butthole. Like I said, anything to not be wet.

Stella on the other hand, loves the water. At home, if she ask her if she wants to take a bath, she will smile, then hop into the bathtub happily awaiting us to arrive to dish out said cleaning. On the road, if we’re hiking, or exploring a dispersed campsite, and come across a water source, she will immediately run into it and swim around. Luckily, Stella has the type of fur that self cleans itself. If she’s muddy, or covered in wet sand, it’ll all fall off as she dries. Within ten or so minutes, she’ll look as angelic as she did before she got dirty.

Again, we’re lucky. They keep the tent pretty clean.

Thank. Goodness.


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